I found this thread in the How-to FAQ; I don’t think I can reply to it there.
I have been following the instruction in a posting by oldcpu, dated 30 June 2008. Unfortunately my ISP had an equipment failure part way through the process. I have repeated the instructions this morning, with this result:
Dimension:/home/asquared # zypper ar -r http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/smart/openSUSE_11.0/smart.repo
Adding repository ‘The Smart Package Manager project (openSUSE_11.0)’ [done]
Repository named ‘smart’ already exists. Please use another alias.
Dimension:/home/asquared # zypper ref smart
Repository ‘The Smart Package Manager project (openSUSE_11.0)’ is up to date.
Specified repositories have been refreshed.
Dimension:/home/asquared # zypper ref smart
Repository ‘The Smart Package Manager project (openSUSE_11.0)’ is up to date.
Specified repositories have been refreshed.
Dimension:/home/asquared # smart channel --add http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/files/smart/opensuse-11.0.txt
bash: smart: command not found
Also, further to the above, try to apply some common sense to this, … ie check if smart is installed already? (Also note you must run smart with root permissions). To check if smart is installed, simply type:
rpm -q smart