how to install pychess ?

hello :slight_smile:
I tried to install pychess on opensuse with the tar.gz from the site of pychess, but I have error with module gtksourceview2…
If anyone have an idea for install pychess?

When compiling from source and you see an error like that it means you need the respective devel package installed, eg gtksourceview2-devel.

You could grab the Fedora source rpm (python 2.7 version) and rpmbuild --rebuild it.

I took a very quick look at it and it seemed to package it more or less in a VM, I didn’t have time to try it myself.

hello, gtksourceview2-devel was already installed, but I found and install “python-gtksourceview” (and …-devel) and pychess works now.

Thanks for your help