How to install packages without repo refreshing

Hi there!
There is some problem. At my location is very slow connection/refreshing repositories via Zypper. Every time when I I’m in hurry and need install something that take a lot of time because it started to refresh every repo. I refresh my system every week, but zypper does refresh repo again every time. Is there any way to just install package as is? Flags --no-refresh --disable-repositories --no-remote doesn’t work at all!

The same situation with install from local .rpm pakages. I have read man where is “zypper source-install, si” for it, but Zypper starts refreshing inspite of that.

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You could disable autorefresh of all repos.
But in that case it could be that you try to install a package that is not there anymore. I doubt that will happen very often if you refresh manually with zypper ref every week (as you say).

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If you download packages you need first with wget, curl, web browser, etc., along with any dependencies, from d.o.o. or cdn.o.o or any other mirror that works OK for you, then you can install with rpm. Messing with repo configs for zypper’s “benefit” isn’t necessary.

Here we are

But flag --no-refresh is menitoned at help.

If you have a look at man zypper, you will see that this option is only valid for repo or service modifications. Not for installing packages…

If you tried to actually read man zypper (not only take a look) you would have seen that it does apply to installing packages.

andrei@leap156:~> sudo zypper --no-refresh install mc
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following 4 NEW packages are going to be installed:
  libgpm2 libslang2 libssh2-1 mc

4 new packages to install.

Package download size:     1.2 MiB

Package install size change:
              |       4.1 MiB  required by packages that will be installed
     4.1 MiB  |  -      0 B    released by packages that will be removed

Backend:  classic_rpmtrans
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y):
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Is that an answer to my advise? That is not what I said, I said to disable it for the repos. That means doing some repo management, either using YaST > Software > Repository Management or the zypper modifyrepo command.

And please do not post screen shots when it is about texts only. To make the pieces of computer code in your posts better consumable by technical oriented people:

And post as complete as possible. That is starting with the line with the prompt and the command, then all output, and ending with the new prompt line.
When you really feel you need to change anything in such a copy, then add that in a comment, else we take all characters literally.

When the text is very long, then you can upload to . Or you can use the tool susepaste by piping the output to it ind posting the URL you get.

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It is a global option which has to go before zypper command.

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Dear hcvv,
I did completely understand your advice about disabling autorefresh. It really can be helpful. But I just seek a simple solution which I can use at the moment in harry. Bc wheh I used to Fedora there was not so a problem annoyed me, repo had refreshed so much faster. Although, thank you for your advice about appropriate design of future posts. I will use it.

Thank you for your solution. It’s really what I need.

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