How to install nvidia driver

I switched to tumbleweed from 42.1 was going to reinstall anyway because i had encrypted the home and needed the rest of the partition. Set everything up from what i had on 42.1 its alot cleaner everything works great. only thing confusing me is how to install nvidia driver i don’t see a repo for nvidia. SO if somebody can help me on whats the best way to install nvidia please

Install the hard way with the run file?

sh -aq

You also need the kernel-devel files, make, gcc, patch etc installed.

You may need to patch (If available or still necessary?) the nvidia installer (run file) and then use the custom installer created for the latest Tumbleweed kernel…

I followed this

But keep getting x server is started when try to run .run

did this

echo "blacklist nouveau" >> /etc/modprobe.d/50-blacklist.conf && mkinitrd && reboot

isn’t this supposed to fix it so i can run it keep getting x server running

This only prevents the nouveau driver from being loaded.
But nvidia’s .run installer insists that X (the graphical interface) is not running at all.

To quit X, run “init 3”, or boot to text mode by adding ‘3’ to the kernel boot options (press ‘e’ at the boot menu, and append it to the line starting with “linux” or “linuxefi”, then press F10 to boot)

yeah that’s what i did i looked it up on google. I figured it out now Thank you **wolfi323

Just quick question when new nvidia driver comes out do i do the same thing and install the new nvidia driver over the older one or do i need to remove the older one first

Installing it over the old one should be fine.