how to install Icon Tasks in opensuse 13.1 46bit

hi all :slight_smile:


To build and install:

  1. mkdir build
  2. cd build
  3. cmake … -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=kde4-config --prefix
  4. make
  5. sudo make install

The following may als be passed to cmake:

    When moving tasks/launchers, show the drop indicator to indicate where
    the item will be moved to - as opposed to moving the item istantly.
    May help on slow machines.

i can not install “Icon Tasks” :frowning:

max@maxray:~/Desktop/plasma-icontasks-0.9.2> mkdir build
max@maxray:~/Desktop/plasma-icontasks-0.9.2> cd build
max@maxray:~/Desktop/plasma-icontasks-0.9.2/build> cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`
If 'cmake' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
    cnf cmake
max@maxray:~/Desktop/plasma-icontasks-0.9.2/build> nfc make .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`
If 'nfc' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
    cnf nfc
max@maxray:~/Desktop/plasma-icontasks-0.9.2/build> cnf make .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`

Program 'make' is present in package 'make', which is installed on your system.

Absolute path to 'make' is '/usr/bin/make'. Please check your $PATH variable to see whether it contains the mentioned path.

max@maxray:~/Desktop/plasma-icontasks-0.9.2/build> make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
max@maxray:~/Desktop/plasma-icontasks-0.9.2/build>  sudo make install
root's password:
make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.

You do not have the necessary development packages installed to compile that. (cmake for a start. No, that’s not the same as make… :wink: )

But it is useless anyway:
Install the package “plasma-addons” with YaST or zypper, and you will have “Icon Tasks”… :wink:

That link is outdated anyway, that’s version 0.9.2 from 2011, and the comments even indicate that it’s not possible to compile this any more with current KDE versions.
It is officially part of KDE meanwhile (“Plasma-Addons”), and the current version is 1.0.

tahnks wolfi :slight_smile: