How to install cpuset

I like to do an experiment where I give one process one CPU core only for itself while all others processes can use the remaining 3 cores.

The tool/Linux functionality to do this is cpuset.

I found there is a nice python script that gives a nice wrapper around this functionality and wanted to give it a try:

So it is part of the hardware repository so I tried:

> sudo zypper se cpuset
S | Name            | Summary                                       | Type
  | cpuset          | Cpuset manipulation tool                      | package
  | cpuset          | Cpuset manipulation tool                      | srcpackage
  | libcpuset-devel | cpuset processor and memory placement library | package
  | libcpuset1      | cpuset processor and memory placement library | package
> sudo zypper in cpuset

The following NEW package is going to be installed:

1 new package to install.
Overall download size: 112.0 KiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 515.8 KiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
Retrieving package cpuset-1.6-59.11.noarch                                                                                          (1/1), 112.0 KiB (515.8 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving: cpuset-1.6-59.11.noarch.rpm ......................................................................................................................[not found]
File './noarch/cpuset-1.6-59.11.noarch.rpm' not found on medium ''

So although the package is said to be part of hardware I can not install it and I could also not found it opening the mentioned URL.

Does anybody an idea what is going on?

Is there an alternative method to install cpuset apart from downloading the .rpm and installing that?

If you had reasons to add extra repository (it is not part of standard Tumbleweed), you also need to refresh it (or set it to auto-refresh).

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@marel cpuset version 1.6 is already in Tumbleweed, no need to add a repository.

Also I suspect since there was a new snapshot just released, mirrors where syncing…

@arvidjaar: Yes, I should have done “zypper ref”, did not do that but after doing that I can install cpuset so now “cset” is working.