Gentlemen, I use a piece of software called X.flux. It dims the monitor at sunset and brightens it at sunrise, it also gives a pinkish tint to the screen which is quite restful.
I have it installed on my Vista part and there it works automatically.
I can boot it manually on Suse 11.3 but would really like it to work auto!
This is the manual command: /home/eddie/Downloads/xflux/xflux -l -6.0 -55.0 -N
I had it working under Puppy linux by the use of a simple script( someone helped me with it ) but even though I have read through the forum re simple script, I get the impression its not possible with Suse, it appears complicated.
I would appreciate a simple method of getting this to work.
If the program needs to run at a particular time, cron is your friend here. You can have the this program run at preset times as required. Here’s a simple guide for you:
On 12/12/2010 04:06 PM, dened wrote:
> Gentlemen, I use a piece of software called X.flux. It dims the monitor
> at sunset and brightens it at sunrise, it also gives a pinkish tint to
> the screen which is quite restful.
> I have it installed on my Vista part and there it works automatically.
> I can boot it manually on Suse 11.3 but would really like it to work
> auto!
> This is the manual command: /home/eddie/Downloads/xflux/xflux -l -6.0
> -55.0 -N
> I had it working under Puppy linux by the use of a simple script(
> someone helped me with it ) but even though I have read through the
> forum re simple script, I get the impression its not possible with Suse,
> it appears complicated.
> I would appreciate a simple method of getting this to work.
It would help if you posted the script for Puppy and whatever else you needed to do.
The simple way to run scripts in openSUSE at boot time is to add an invocation
in /etc/init.d/boot.local. In this case, I am assuming that xflux will fail to
start if X is not running, thus you cannot add the above line to boot.local. You
should create a file in your home directory named with the following:
After you create the file, make it executable with
chmod a+x
Finally, you should add a line containing
/home/eddie/ &
to /etc/init.d/boot.local. You will need to do that as root. I’m guessing about
the sleep time needed. If xflux does not start, try changing the 60 to 120.
keellambert. thankyou for your reply. I created the file containing the command. When I searched for the /home/<<user name>>/.kde4/share/autostart/.
I don’t have the share, it only has /home/eddie/.kde4/autostart. I copied the file to the /home/eddie/.kde4/autostart and rebooted.
When the Desktop appeared a box popped up with several progs and asked me to select one. The top selection was Beaver, which I selected. I then rebooted and when the Desktop appeared the Beaver box appeared containing the command contained within the The box then turned a pinkish colour as per the command, but the rest of my Desktop didn’t.
lwfinger, the Puppy script ,#!/bin/sh xflux -l 55.00n , followed by,chmod 755
When I checked back on Puppy I question now whether it actually worked auto.
I hope that’s right. I won’t know till about 5pm Belfast time.
I’m not going to alter the Longtitude and Latitude just to find out.
Will get back later.
Till then, thankyou for your kind assistance.
Michael, I don’t appear to have a profile folder in my home directory.
If I enter pro into the search box I get the option to edit profile, manually add profile or delete profile. If I click edit profile I get a box with several /sbin/* or/usr/*.
Sorry, getting slightly lost .
Its not a directory its a file. Its only shown if you elect to see hidden files.
The ‘.’ at at the start of ‘.profile’ ==> its a hidden file.
If you are using Dolphin, go to directory /home/eddie/, if you cannot see lots of files starting with a ‘.’, select ‘View’ on the toolbar menu, then select ‘show hidden files’ from the pulldown menu and all should be shown.
You should not use /etc/init.d/boot.local but /etc/init.d/after.local. The later doesn’t exist by default. So you have to create it.
Type the following in a terminal:
su -l
cd /etc/init.d
echo "#! /bin/sh" > after.local
chmod 744 after.local
Then open the file /etc/init.d/after.local and add commands you want to be run at start (more exactly at the end of the init process unlike boot.local which get executed much earlier - at the end of the boot process).
and then change the file to executable with command from the directory /home/eddie/.kde4/autostart,
chmod a+x
Michael, I am slightly confused , when I search for “/home/eddie/.kde4/autostart”, I type /home/eddie and then kde4 appears. I click on it and the Autostart folder appears. I right click on it and copy and paste the “chmod a+x” into it. It then asks for a file name so I typed Autostart, it then creates an Autostart inside the Autostart folder. Surely thats not correct?
I have also realised that I need to place the letter “g” in front of the -55.0 , this gives the Longtitude as -l equals Latitude.
Its not a directory its a file. Its only shown if you elect to see hidden files.
The ‘.’ at at the start of ‘.profile’ ==> its a hidden file.
If you are using Dolphin, go to directory /home/eddie/, if you cannot see lots of files starting with a ‘.’, select ‘View’ on the toolbar menu, then select ‘show hidden files’ from the pulldown menu and all should be shown.
Michael, I’m going to have to pick up my game. On two occasions I have called folder/files directories or visa versa, sorry.
I can only say I’m learning,learning,learning. The profile file is now showing , thankyou.
Carlos, having been pulled up twice on this thread for wrongly calling files/folders Directories I apologise. I do know the difference , I learnt the difference about 25 years ago, long before anybody had heard of Linux.
The fact that the “after.local” FILE isn’t installed during installation was beyond my meagre knowledge of Suse. Luckily someone picked that little matter up and now I have the file installed.
Hi, thankyou for your reply. I have followed your instructions, all went well. I realised that I needed to place the letter “g” in front of the -55.0 to give the Longtitude. I will have to wait till tonight to see if it works. Again, thankyou.
On a 32bit machine the ati graphics card is no longer supported by them, so the Radeon driver is being used.
To make the monitor set up sticky a XRANDR command has been inserted in each users .profile file.
It seems more elegant that this would be better implemented system wide. Which I assumed putting it in the script file, /etc/init.d/after.local, would do.
However this does not work! After a reboot one monitor is just a clone of the other.
The XRANDR command is either ignored or overwritten. Any suggestions.