How to get zypper to say the repos are outdated and produce output without delay?

For a few weeks, zypper used to produce output in the format of:

repo1: refreshed 6 hours ago
repo2: refreshed 6 hours ago
(some other warnings to refresh repo)


The output was generated immediately without delay using cached repo information. But now it has reverted back to the old behavior where it slowly auto refreshes repos serially to produce output. How can I configure zypper to get the recently removed behavior? I understand zypp.conf can be updated to not auto refresh repos in X amount of time but that doesn’t produce the nice warnings with the time since last refresh. Also zypper is more annoying in this configuration, I actually liked the change that appears to have been reverted.

You cannot. This “nice warning” was a mistake and was entirely useless and it was supposed to restore the original behavior when it warned if repository was outdated but it did not happen. Child with bathwater.

1225451 – zypper invoked as non-root no more warns about outdated repositories (

You confuse non-root and root cases.

1 Like

It has always been the same for both root and non-root user for me. No differences. Is the output always instantaneous using cached info for non-root user in your system? :thinking:

It has always been the same for both root and non-root user for me.

Please always show the complete output of your commands and not only a piece.
And here for root and for User.

As User in Leap 15.6:

stephan@linux64:~> LANG=C zypper se -si r8168
Repository                                                   : Time since last refresh
Backports                                                    : 51 min 46 s 
KDE-Extra                                                    : 51 min 46 s 
Non-Oss                                                      : 51 min 45 s 
Non-Oss-Update                                               : 51 min 44 s 
OSS                                                          : 51 min 44 s 
Oss-Update                                                   : 51 min 44 s 
Packman_Aachen                                               : 51 min 44 s 
Programme-rpm                                                : 51 min 43 s 
Rpmbuild                                                     : 51 min 43 s 
Sauerland-OSS                                                : 51 min 43 s 
nVidia Graphics Drivers                                      : 51 min 43 s 
Update repository of openSUSE Backports                      : 51 min 43 s 
Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 : 51 min 43 s 
TeamViewer - x86_64                                          : 3 D 0 h 

    Note: Running with user privileges. From time to time run 'zypper refresh' as root to make sure
    the repository metadata are complete and up-to-date.

Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                  | Type    | Version                                | Arch   | Repository
i+ | r8168-blacklist-r8169 | package | 8.053.00-lp156.66.3                    | x86_64 | Sauerland-OSS
i+ | r8168-kmp-default     | package | 8.053.00_k5.14.21_150500.53-lp155.66.2 | x86_64 | (System Packages)
i+ | r8168-kmp-default     | package | 8.053.00_k6.4.0_150600.21-lp156.66.3   | x86_64 | Sauerland-OSS
i+ | r8168-ueficert        | package | 8.053.00-lp156.66.3                    | x86_64 | Sauerland-OSS

As Root in Leap 15.6:

stephan@linux64:~> su -
linux64:~ # LANG=C zypper se -si r8168
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                  | Type    | Version                                | Arch   | Repository
i+ | r8168-blacklist-r8169 | package | 8.053.00-lp156.66.3                    | x86_64 | Sauerland-OSS
i+ | r8168-kmp-default     | package | 8.053.00_k5.14.21_150500.53-lp155.66.2 | x86_64 | (System Packages)
i+ | r8168-kmp-default     | package | 8.053.00_k6.4.0_150600.21-lp156.66.3   | x86_64 | Sauerland-OSS
i+ | r8168-ueficert        | package | 8.053.00-lp156.66.3                    | x86_64 | Sauerland-OSS

There is a difference between Leap and Tumbleweed…

It’s quite different for me in TW-Slowroll, Leap’s behavior looks like the desired behavior I explained in my initial post. :disappointed_relieved:

pavin@suse-pc:~> time zypper se zed
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                                     | Summary                                                           | Type
   | containerized-data-importer-api          | CDI API server                                                    | package
   | containerized-data-importer-cloner       | Cloner for host assisted cloning                                  | package
   | containerized-data-importer-controller   | Controller for the data fetching service                          | package
   | containerized-data-importer-importer     | Data fetching service                                             | package
   | containerized-data-importer-manifests    | YAML manifests used to install CDI                                | package
   | containerized-data-importer-operator     | Operator for the data fetching service                            | package
   | containerized-data-importer-uploadproxy  | Upload proxy for the data fetching service                        | package
   | containerized-data-importer-uploadserver | Upload server for the data fetching service                       | package
   | gap-generalizedmorphismsforcap           | GAP: Implementations of generalized morphisms for the CAP project | package
   | perl-MooseX-AuthorizedMethods            | Syntax sugar for authorized methods                               | package
   | perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized           | Moose roles with composition parameters                           | package
   | python310-parameterized                  | Parameterized testing                                             | package
   | python311-parameterized                  | Parameterized testing                                             | package
   | python312-parameterized                  | Parameterized testing                                             | package
   | texlive-xcolor-solarized                 | Defines the 16 colors from Ethan Schoonover's Solarized palette   | package
   | texlive-xcolor-solarized-doc             | Documentation for texlive-xcolor-solarized                        | package
   | texlive-zed-csp                          | Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications                       | package
   | texlive-zed-csp-doc                      | Documentation for texlive-zed-csp                                 | package

real	0m9.457s
user	0m1.317s
sys	0m0.187s
pavin@suse-pc:~> sudo -i
Please enter the PIN: 
Please touch the device.
suse-pc:~ # 
suse-pc:~ # time zypper se zed
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                                     | Summary                                                           | Type
   | containerized-data-importer-api          | CDI API server                                                    | package
   | containerized-data-importer-cloner       | Cloner for host assisted cloning                                  | package
   | containerized-data-importer-controller   | Controller for the data fetching service                          | package
   | containerized-data-importer-importer     | Data fetching service                                             | package
   | containerized-data-importer-manifests    | YAML manifests used to install CDI                                | package
   | containerized-data-importer-operator     | Operator for the data fetching service                            | package
   | containerized-data-importer-uploadproxy  | Upload proxy for the data fetching service                        | package
   | containerized-data-importer-uploadserver | Upload server for the data fetching service                       | package
   | gap-generalizedmorphismsforcap           | GAP: Implementations of generalized morphisms for the CAP project | package
   | perl-MooseX-AuthorizedMethods            | Syntax sugar for authorized methods                               | package
   | perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized           | Moose roles with composition parameters                           | package
   | python310-parameterized                  | Parameterized testing                                             | package
   | python311-parameterized                  | Parameterized testing                                             | package
   | python312-parameterized                  | Parameterized testing                                             | package
   | texlive-xcolor-solarized                 | Defines the 16 colors from Ethan Schoonover's Solarized palette   | package
   | texlive-xcolor-solarized-doc             | Documentation for texlive-xcolor-solarized                        | package
   | texlive-zed-csp                          | Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications                       | package
   | texlive-zed-csp-doc                      | Documentation for texlive-zed-csp                                 | package

real	0m9.538s
user	0m1.339s
sys	0m0.191s
suse-pc:~ # logout
pavin@suse-pc:~> zypper --version
zypper 1.14.76

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