how to get rid off Evince?


again and again I experience (11.4) that Evince, the default-viewer with Konqueror, can not download
pdf-files from the Internet (after a long time it comes up with an empty window and the message
“loading”, but nothing happens). Most of the time I manage to tell Konqueror to save to file or
to use Okular instead.
But for some web page just another Konqueror-window opens, with no menus etc., and it tries
to invoke Evince, which fails. And that’s it.

So I try to change the file-associations in Konqueror, but there is the known KDE-bug that file-associations can not
be changed — it loops forever. This happens however you approach the file-associations, for example
by trying to launch Okular, and then to save that new association — it all goes through the same eye-of-the-needle,
the dysfunctional file-association-change-program.

Unfortunately KDE is not a proper Unix/Linux application, where one has access to the configuration-files.
So also that route is blocked.

I tried to delete Evince, via Yast, but unfortunately the installation system does not remove Evince from KDE,
so Konqueror just tries to use Evince but doesn’t find it. One would expect that for such a failure Konqueror (KDE)
would try the many alternatives, but it doesn’t.

So everything is blocked: Evince does not work, and it is hardcoded into KDE.
Any trick known to remove Evince from KDE nevertheless?


In another thread " How to get back the Konqueror-dialog asking for saving?" I found an alternative fix for
the problem, and so let’s forget about the problem of this thread, that is, let’s hope that these problems are
gone when I’ll upgrade to Suse 12.2.

On 2012-05-03 19:46, kullmann wrote:

> is, let’s hope that these problems are
> gone when I’ll upgrade to Suse 12.2.

Test 12.2 in another partition, and if present, report in bugzilla.
Othewise issues are not solved.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 05/03/2012 07:36 AM, kullmann wrote:
> Hello,
> again and again I experience (11.4) that Evince, the default-viewer
> with Konqueror, can not download
> pdf-files from the Internet
> So everything is blocked: Evince does not work, and it is hardcoded
> into KDE.
> Any trick known to remove Evince from KDE nevertheless?

So, you’ve solved that particular issue. But I don’t get it. “Evince” is
a GNOME application, despite your assertion of its being hard-coded into

Though I rarely use KDE, it’s fully installed and kept up to date. I
don’t use “Konqueror” for web browsing, but I just used it to view a PDF
document. “Okular” came up, rather a box popped up, giving me options of
“Save As …”, “Open with Okular”, “Open with v”, “Cancel”. “Okular” is
the default KDE PDF viewer. My system does not have “Evince” installed.

I’m using the “Fluxbox” window manager (I can pop into KDE, but it’s a
bother). I have used the “KDE System Settings” to set certain file
associations. I cannot recall if I set “Okular” manually. For PDF, it’s
“Okular”, “GV”, “GIMP”, “xpdf-poppler”

My system is openSUSE 12.1. But what you described does not seem normal,
even for 11.4. I’ve tried “Evince”; I had no problem removing the app
(and there was no GNOME dependencies; if there were, I would have
removed any GNOME dependent apps at the same time).

Hello, only now realised that there was a reply (would be nice to get e-mail alerts):
Didn’t know that evince would belong to Gnome. So well, just installed 12.2, no Evince anymore,
and that’s better.

So that topic should be closed.