New to linux. Using openSUSE 12.3 and xfce.Every time I start google chrome , a dialog box come up let me input the password to unlock the keyring .It is a bit anonying . I wanna get rid of that dialog box. I search this question with google,but I still can’t solve it .Can anyone tell me what should I do.
Sorry for my poor English.
Thanks for any response in advance.
Chromium has these packages. Maybe chrome needs something similar
chromium-desktop-gnome - Update to chromium to use Gnome keyring to store passwords
chromium-desktop-kde - Update to chromium to use KDE's kwallet to store passwords
Thanks for your response!
I installed chromium, chromium-desktop-gnome instlled automatically. the problem still exist.
On 04/06/2013 09:06 AM, lonfory wrote:
> the problem still exist.
as far as i know that dialog box is written into the code base for
both Chrome and Chromium…not much you can do to avoid it in
Chrome, but since Chromium is open source, you can just change the
source code and recompile…
on the other hand, if you don’t care about the security of stored
passwords, you could make the unlock pass to be just the press of the
enter key (with an empty blank)…then, anyone with access to your
machine would also have instant access to all keys on the ring.
In my GNOME session the following is in session start up. This may need to be done on your machine.
/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=pkcs11
I have read on the web that “Auto-login” into system causes this issue. If you do manual login this may not occur.