How to get rid of stored names of senders and e-mail addresses in KMail

Dear users of this community: I receive mail daily, of course, to my KMail installation. No problem with that. But KMail (or so I understand) collects and stores the sender’s name and e-mail address in some kind of database for easy access if I want to write back, I suppose.

I would like to get rid of this database’s content, at least in part. My first choice is to edit it, but if that’s not possible, to clear it completely.

Can I do it? What actions should I make? Point me in the right direction or give me an explanation, please. Thanks in advance!

From KMail/FAQs Hints and Tips - KDE UserBase Wiki

Recent addresses are actually stored in ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc, but rather than risk making a mistake in a manual edit, go to KMail’ s Settings → Configure KMail → Composer and you will see a button Edit Recent Addresses

Thank you! In a short while I will try it out.

Just one question though: is there some dedicated stand-alone cli tool to edit among the collected recent addresses, rather than do it from inside KMail, so to speak? Or is it enough to use an editor like vi on the file you mentioned?

The paths have changed.

This is answered by

from the link provided in the post above yours.

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