How to get panel icons back?

Running openSUSE 11.0 on a MacBook with KDE4 as DE.
I inadvertently deleted my desktop panel and can’t find how to get it back to the way it was.
Sure I can reinstall a blank panel and add in a widget or two but where’s the Kmenu (or apps and config menu or whatever it’s called these days).
Any clues?

this sort of thing happened twice to me. apps won’t start, taskbar disapears, that sort of thing. a real pain in the butt.

i now just create a new user and attempt to migrate all the settings over. maybe you could just delete the user, but not data, and recreate the same user? it is a pain as well, but once a user starts acting weird i think there is more to come.

Right click on panel - panel menu - add applet will add kmenu in my system

You might try this Open dolphin go to view in the menubar check show hidden files. Look for .kde4 delete it then reboot it should get you return you to the default set. Then customize from there.

That would work for KDE3.5.9 not KDE 4 but you did prompt me to recheck & it turns out one can also right click on the panel select Panel settings then add widgets I just tried it to see & it works too! Thanks Scott!

PaulFXH wrote:

> Running openSUSE 11.0 on a MacBook with KDE4 as DE.
> I inadvertently deleted my desktop panel and can’t find how to get it
> back to the way it was.
> Sure I can reinstall a blank panel and add in a widget or two but
> where’s the Kmenu (or apps and config menu or whatever it’s called
> these days).
> Any clues?
The panel is usually a program called ‘kicker’, at least in kde3, I’m waiting
a little bit for kde4, I played with it briefly when I moved to 11.0, but
haven’t adopted it entirely yet. {Smile}

if you press ALT-F2, type ‘kicker’, you may get your old panel back. If not,
and all you get is a blank one, right click on the panel, choose ‘Add
Applet…’ and look through the list. The Kmenu is an option in there, along
with many other little goodies.

L R Nix

Thanks to everybody for the suggestions.
Most of them, however, referred to KDE 3.5 rather than KDE4 which doesn’t have applets on the panel (they’re called widgets now) and kicker is no longer with us.:frowning:
However, this one looked promising:

and I tried it out.
Unfortunately, while it made a lot of changes to the desktop (reverted to default settings) it didn’t actually touch the panel at all.
So, I was forced to resort to something that never fails, although it can be a lot of work – re-install.
So, that’s what I did and everything is back to normal now.
However, given that the lizard icon thing on the panel is really the heart of the desktop, it does seem amazing that there’s no easy way to get it back.:eek:

I did the same thing and found that you can very easly get the panel icon back by right clicking the panel and select the add widget option. Make sure you have the widgets unlocked. You can also move to wherever you like.