How to get LTS kernel on Tumbleweed?


I’m running tumbleweed, but need for some (older) kernel modules the 4.4 LTS kernel.
I already found this tutorial which explains the basic procedure. However, I’m wondering whether I can or should do the

# cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config

step to copy the current 4.9 kernel config to build a 4.4 kernel.
Should I stick with the default kernel config? Should I try to fetch the kernel config e.g. from 13.1/13.2/Leap ?

Is there anything else I should be careful with or any issues that can occur when switching to the LTS kernel?

Then why not use the LTS kernel provided by and for openSUSE (42.2 in this case)?

Either the ones found in

or those from


P.S. If you are not working for some three letter agency and the kernel modules in question are not some state secret, then tell us which modules they are (and give us a link to the source), maybe they can be (or even have already been) patched for newer kernels.