(This is a part of a post I put in the Multimedia section, and contains a really important tip for KDE desktop users who like to select actions for CDs, DVD, or USB drives from the pop-up menu.)
In 13.2, after inserting media I got a nice KDE pop-up menu consisting of several choices to play a music CD, play a DVD, or download photos. In 42.1, there are very few choices, mainly Dragon Player for multimedia and Gwenview for photos. Dragon Player is a horrible audio CD player, what happened to KSCD (yes it is installed)? What happened to the K3B option to “rip audio CD”, or the option of using Digikam when I plug in my camera? These missing items are due to the change from KDE 4 to 5; these pop-up media options are provided by so-called “solid actions” files, and there were many more of these in KDE 4 than KDE 5.
The “solid actions” files from KDE 4 are in the 42.1 installation (because the installation includes KDE 4), however these files won’t be seen by KDE 5. You can copy them from the KDE 4 library to a home directory location where they will be seen by KDE 5.
The KDE 4 library is: /usr/share/kde4/apps/solid/actions. In here you will find all of the options that were available in KDE 4. I chose the following to move to KDE 5: digikam*, k3b*, kscd*, and vlc*. Just copy these files to this directory: ~/.local/share/solid/actions (you may need to create this directory first). Then you need to run this command:
kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental
Note that this command will produce an error message which can be ignored:
Menu “applications-kmenuedit.menu” not found.
The next time you insert a music CD, you can select “play with KSCD” or “rip audio with K3B”, and you can resume using VLC for DVDs and Digikam for the camera. Note I already installed VLC from Packman before copying these files, otherwise the VLC files would not be present.