How to get internet through laptop


I have been running PCLinuxOS on both my laptop and desktop, but have just changed the desktop over to OenSuse 12.2. Just downloaded and installed openSUSE-12.2-KDE-LiveCD-x86_64.

My only internet is via wifi on the laptop (still running PCLOS). Desktop has no wifi card, just eth0. In PCLos, I did as per the info below to connect the desktop to the internet via a crossover cable to the laptop.

My ultimate question is:
How do I configure the eth0 port on the desktop in openSUSE? Yast seems more complicated than the network manager in PCL.

Here is the post from the PCLOS forum that allowed me to connect the desktop to the internet via the laptop.

"On your laptop
1.Run these commands as root to allow traffic to flow btw the two interfaces you have
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
/sbin/iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

You only need those two commands.
The first one configures the computer to allow traffic to flow from one interface to another.
The second one “hides” traffic from your desktop computer as it leaves your laptop on its way to your router.

The two commands above effectively make your laptop a router connected to two networks, and first command allows traffic to flow btw the two interfaces and the second one “hides” traffic from when it travels to your router on its way to the internet.

on eth0.
This is the interface that takes you online,configure it to allow your laptop to go online and make sure you can go online.

on eth1.
This is the interface that will be facing your desktop.
Configure it to have the following network properties
IP address:

If you configure it using PCC,ignore the error if complain about anything.

On your desktop.
Give the interface the following network properties
IP address:

Thanks in advance for your advice.

When this is a desktop, that sits allways on the same place and uses the same connection (in this case even cabled)), you do not need Networkk Manager at all.

And you configure using YaST > Network Devices > Network Settings.
Then in the Global Options tab you switch to “Traditional Method with ifup”.
Then in the Overview tab, select the device and click Edit.
. First configure there if you want to use DHCP or not. When not configure IP address, etc.
When you do not use DHCP, you most probably will want to configure in the Hostname/DNS and the Routing tab from the main view also.

On 2012-12-28 11:16, PCLinuxOSuser wrote:
> How do I configure the eth0 port on the desktop in openSUSE? Yast
> seems more complicated than the network manager in PCL

You can use network manager if you prefer. Just tell yast so.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))

The configs and commands should be the same, that is on openSUSE the Wifi NIC will be wlan0, not eth0 and your eth1 will be eth0 .

Use Yast - Network - Networksettings to setup the static IP netmask, gateway, DNS’s and (Google’s) on the desktop computer
Use the Networkmanager on the laptop, configure the static stuff for eth0, make the wireless connection to your router and you should be in business.