On 07/01/2012 11:56 PM, dentman wrote:
> Okay I fixed my problem!
hmmmmmm…no, i think you changed the symptoms (not being able to start
KDE) produced by the problem (conflicting system software)…
you can expect that going forward your system will continue to be
unstable and unpredictable
> Now I just want to know how to get rid of all the **** I accidentally
> installed with the 170 things I updated!
note 1: you may wish to collect the advice of several prior to
proceeding–i absolutely do NOT guarantee that my advice will be the
best you can get…nor that it will make you smile…in fact, i’d say to
WAIT for others to chime in.
note 2: read prior to proceeding: http://tinyurl.com/DD-Caveat
note 3: make a complete backup of all important data (music, video,
emails, etc etc etc) prior to beginning…some would say (and i would
do) to also make a copy of /etc and /var (you might need them, you might
note 4: i see that you have KDE4.8 enabled which probably means you are
running that…my advice below (if you choose to take it) will reset
your system to the way it was when originally installed plus all
security updates and patches applied via the update repo since
inception…(that is, afterwards you will have a predecessor to KDE4.8)
note 5: yours is such a mess i’m not sure but what a fresh install of
12.1 would be more likely to be successful than the vodoo below…but,
this should be quicker and it MAY work…it may not…but, with a
good backup of your data you can always do a format install and then
rejoin your data into the system, so . . .
since you have hacked a way into kde, i think you can repair inside that
- use YaST Software Repositories to disable and cease refreshing all
repos other than oss, non-oss, updates and packman: in your listing from
your second post above, that would be to disable all except repos
numbers 5, 17, 20 and 21
-further, you can stop the refreshing of repos 20 and 21 since they
never change)
- perform the following in a terminal, one step at a time [please wait
for other opinions prior to continuing]
su - <don't over look the -
zypper clean --all
rpmdb --rebuilddb
zypper ref
zypper dup
zypper up
“It is far easier to read, understand and follow the instructions than
to undo the problems caused by not.” so wrote dd on 23 Jan 11