I have several Opensuse 15.1 machines - my two oldest (upgraded from 41.0 41.1 41.2 15.0 then 15.1) cannot update due to opensuse.ucom.am error - all others work fine (they were 15.0 upgraded to 15.1)
How to I change what mirror zypper selects to download from?
# zypper ref ; zypper -n up
Repository 'Packman 15.1 Repository' is up to date.
Repository 'adobe' is up to date.
Repository 'openSUSE-Leap-15.1-Non-Oss' is up to date.
Repository 'openSUSE-Leap-15.1-Oss' is up to date.
Repository 'openSUSE-Leap-15.1-Update' is up to date.
Repository 'TeamViewer - x86_64' is up to date.
All repositories have been refreshed.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
The following 2 packages are going to be upgraded:
yast2-installation yast2-storage-ng
2 packages to upgrade.
Overall download size: 675.6 KiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation,
additional 11.7 KiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
Retrieving package yast2-storage-ng-4.1.90-lp151.2.9.1.x86_64
(1/2), 439.2 KiB ( 2.0 MiB unpacked)
Retrieving delta: ./x86_64/yast2-storage-ng-4.1.85_4.1.90-lp151.2.6.1_lp151.2.9.1.x86_64.drpm, 130.5 KiB
Retrieving: yast2-storage-ng-4.1.85_4.1.90-lp151.2.6.1_lp151.2.[error (394 B/s)]
Download (curl) error for 'https://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/15.1/oss/x86_64/yast2-storage-ng-4.1.85_4.1.90-lp151.2.6.1_lp151.2.9.1.x86_64.drpm':
Error code: Unsupported protocol or redirect (Location: http://opensuse.ucom.am/update/leap/15.1/oss/x86_64/yast2-storage-ng-4.1.85_4.1.90-lp151.2.6.1_lp151.2.9.1.x86_64.drpm)
Error message: Redirect to protocol "http" not supported or disabled in libcurl
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a): a
ABORT request: Aborting requested by user
- Can't provide ./x86_64/yast2-storage-ng-4.1.85_4.1.90-lp151.2.6.1_lp151.2.9.1.x86_64.drpm
Retrieving: yast2-storage-ng-4.1.90-lp151.2.9.1.x86_64.rpm ..............[error]
Download (curl) error for 'https://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/15.1/oss/x86_64/yast2-storage-ng-4.1.90-lp151.2.9.1.x86_64.rpm':
Error code: Unsupported protocol or redirect (Location: http://opensuse.ucom.am/update/leap/15.1/oss/x86_64/yast2-storage-ng-4.1.90-lp151.2.9.1.x86_64.rpm)
Error message: Redirect to protocol "http" not supported or disabled in libcurl
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a): a
Problem occurred during or after installation or removal of packages:
Installation has been aborted as directed.
Please see the above error message for a hint.