How to find your posts?

How do I find my posts? Are they gone with the new version?

@lord_valarian no, just search for them? The magnifying glass next to your profile icon (Top Right) and enter the user name with a @ first eg @lord_valarian.

There is no code tag button. I had to make it by hand.

I can’t find a signout button either.

Logout is under the user menu (under the preferences tab).

Preformatted text is what you'd use for code tags

The editor uses markdown syntax - so anything you can do in standard markdown should work.

  1. Numbered list
  2. Numbered list 2
  • Bulleted list
    • Bulleted list indented

(For the list as I wrote it, the numbers are “1.” and “1.” - markdown conversion makes the numbers correct. For the bullets, I typed in “*” for the first and " *" for the second - that’s two spaces ahead of it)

Preformatted text can be done inline or as a block by putting three “`” characters on a line by themselves before and after the block of text.

BB codes still work.

the ` and ` are alternatives to code tags
type or paste code here

While in the reply you can just hit Ctrl-E for code tag.

While in the reply you can just hit Ctrl-E for code tag

That doesn’t work on more than one line.

Sure it does…

ps -A|egrep "pipe|pulse"
 2596 ?        00:00:03 pipewire-pulse
 2614 ?        00:00:02 pipewire
 2615 ?        00:00:00 pipewire-media-

1 Like

I’ll keep that mine next time. I’m still adapting to the new format.


You can also use most markdown notations as well, so starting with ``` (on a line by itself) and ending with the same (also on a line by itself) will give you a preformatted text block:

text block
line 2
line 3

I didn’t see an answer to this.

Click on your icon at top right. In the right margin, look for the person icon (the text says “Profile”). When you click that, one of the options is to logout.

I still find my post from the old forum.
You can find it in your profile preferences under activity

Thanks all, I have it working now.