Hello, everyone.
It has been brought to the attention of the openSUSE Forums Staff that a lot of the community documentation is slowly growing stale and out of date. We want the openSUSE Forums to be an excellent resource for learning and problem solving, and having out-of-date documentation hampers that vision. We also realize that hunting through a large forum of documentation which may or may not be accurate is time consuming, and it would be much faster if we had a single location for up-to-date documentation.
As such, we are revising how the “How To / FAQ” forum works. The main “How To / FAQ” forum will become read-only, and a new subsection titled “Unreviewed How To and FAQ” will appear. The “Unreviewed” section will be open for everyone to post in.
Staff members will routinely go through the Unreviewed posts looking for well written, up-to-date How To’s. When one is found, a staff member will make a copy to the main “How To / FAQ” forum. This new copy will be tagged and divided into categories like “Administration”, “Booting”, “Security”, so you can find answers to what you are looking for quickly. All of the new reviewed threads will refer to the original thread, thanking the original poster for his or her contribution.
We should have this new solution in place within a few days; please pardon the dust in the meantime.
Thanks, and if you have comments or questions, please post them below.
~~ Andrew D., Forum Administrator