How to: Edit /etc/sysctl.conf

I am facing the same editing /etc/sysctl.conf for installing hadoop. I wonder in order to provide good security the architect of SUSE 12.3 has been made such that it takes too much to work on it.
When I use YAST, It writes The IPv6 forwarding sysctl has to be turned on manually. I donot know how to go about it.

Don’t know exactly what your Q is.

If the YAST sysconfig editor doesn’t do what you want, you only need to open a text editor with root permissions to edit the file however you wish. So for instance the following should work if your Desktop is KDE

kdesu kwrite /etc/sysctl.conf

But, I’d question this requirement in the first place, do you <know> the other nodes and analyzers are using IPv6? What guide are you following?