How to determine Zypper install paths?

I’ve recently bought this server for large computational server with openSuSE from a colleague. I’m new at being my own sysadmin. This guy occasionally had to install different versions of things like HDF5, NetCDF, and MPI. He has been a huge help, but doesn’t always remember what he installed, and where.

I’m trying to port a climate model onto this new system, but I’m having all sorts of issues with my PATH, and linking library versions. I’d like to keep the zypper version of various libraries and compilers as much as possible. I’m slowly working through the issues, but it would be a HUGE help to know where zypper installs things. Is there a set of default paths? For example, are shared libraries always put in /usr/lib64/ instead of /usr/local/lib64/?

Another example, I have 2 “mpi.mod” files/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/lib64/mpi.mod

and GCC is complaining about not finding mpi.mod, but how do I figure out which one to use? Which one is associated with the zypper version that I installed?

I’ve been googling this for days, but I can’t find any info, so any advice or resources would be appreciated.


EDIT: I just realized that this is the wrong section to post this.

No worries. Thanks for starting a new thread here: How to determine Zypper install paths? - Applications - openSUSE Forums

I propose users go to the above thread to post. For NNTP users, you can find it under “Applications” with thread title : How to determine Zypper install paths? Please go there to post.

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