The selection says suitable for usb or cd, how do i create the usb drive version of the live kde cd?
There seems to be no instructions found
The selection says suitable for usb or cd, how do i create the usb drive version of the live kde cd?
There seems to be no instructions found
I would like to do the same, I have tried the instructions for windows here: Live USB stick - openSUSE
I have had no luck - the USB drive fails to boot and is not browsable after following these instructions. I had no trouble making a USB install “cd” with Ubuntu previously.
Any help would be appreciated.
dd if=file.iso of=/dev/usbstick bs=2M
Where file.iso is the LiveCD/DVD image and usbstick is the name of your non-mounted usb stick. To list them, you can use fdisk -l , for example. Remember to use /dev/sdX instead of sdxX so you’ll overwrite the entire stick including boot area.
Warning: Make absolutely sure you know which device is your usb stick so you do not accidentally overwrite any critical data OR your current installation. Failure to do so can lead to catastrophic data loss.
Ah, thanks! Having only windows computers at hand at the moment that might be difficult…
I tried unetbootin and the link I used above and neither worked. Perhaps I will just buy some blank dvds!