How to create -debuginfo subpackage?

Hello, its me again.

I am trying to create a debuginfo package for LibreCAD_3
but I got the error saying

LibreCAD_3.x86_64: E: suse-filelist-forbidden-debuginfo (Badness: 10000) /usr/lib/debug/usr may only be packaged in the -debuginfo subpackage 
LibreCAD_3.x86_64: E: suse-filelist-forbidden-debuginfo (Badness: 10000) /usr/lib/debug/usr/local may only be packaged in the -debuginfo subpackage
LibreCAD_3.x86_64: E: suse-filelist-forbidden-debuginfo (Badness: 10000) /usr/lib/debug/usr/local/lib may only be packaged in the -debuginfo subpackage
LibreCAD_3.x86_64: E: suse-filelist-forbidden-debuginfo (Badness: 10000) /usr/lib/debug/usr/local/lib/ may only be packaged in the -debuginfo subpackage
LibreCAD_3.x86_64: E: suse-filelist-forbidden-debuginfo (Badness: 10000) /usr/lib/debug/usr/local/lib/ may only be packaged in the -debuginfo subpackage 
LibreCAD_3.x86_64: E: suse-filelist-forbidden-debuginfo (Badness: 10000) /usr/lib/debug/usr/local/lib/ may only be packaged in the -debuginfo subpackage 
LibreCAD_3.x86_64: E: suse-filelist-forbidden-debuginfo (Badness: 10000) /usr/lib/debug/usr/local/lib/ may only be packaged in the -debuginfo subpackage 
LibreCAD_3.x86_64: E: suse-filelist-forbidden-debuginfo (Badness: 10000) /usr/lib/debug/usr/local/lib/ may only be packaged in the -debuginfo subpackage

I read on this documentation:

But could not find example of spec file to make -debuginfo subpackage.

I tried adding a debuginfo package as such:

%package  debuginfo
Summary:   Debug information for package %{name}
Group:     Development/Libraries/C and C++
#BuildArch: noarch
%description debuginfo
Debug information for package %{name}.

But I got this error:

line 75: %package  debuginfo: package LibreCAD_3-debuginfo already exists

So I disabled it.

I tried adding debug info %files list as well but it does not work.

%files debuginfo


You add the %debug_package macro before %prep and then ensure you enable the debug flags in the repository, no additional changes or sub packages need creating in the spec file.

Thanks, I just fond out I don’t need to package .debug file.