Hello all,
I have gone through those tricks quickly but got little help. My wireless hardware and software are both working fine, it’s me that have no idea about how to configure after some failure.
Here are some useful information. My operations are listed below:
Manage Connections => wireless => add =>shared => wireless security => wep =>wlan interface: ip, connected,but my nexus can’t scan this ap
same operations till wireless security => wpa/wpa2 personal . an error message “psk” pop out.
I have tried more options but no so close to success.
Give me so advise. Thanks.
If this is not about openSuSE, then what am I doing here?
Anyway, I am using openSuSE 12.2, the latest version. And I provide more information, which I recognized as no use, since under win7 environment my laptop works just fine as an AP.
the PCI vendor and product ID codes:
Apparently there are more people that do not use openSUSE that try to get help here then you can imagine.
In any case it was a bit of different way to ask you to provide the first hing one should tell when asking here anything: the version of openSUSE you use. It may console you that you are not the only one just firing away with their problem without mentioning this, but I get a bit fed up and thus try to put it in a different way sometimes.
And while I am grumbling, I can add a second thing:
It is (very) nice and good that you use the CODE tags, but it is realy appreciated when you include the prompt on your terminal, the command, of course the output (as you did) and the next prompt. It provides much more information for only a very tiny increased sweep of your mouse.
Sorry for the inconveniece. Appreciated for your dedication.
My last post is too long, and I can’t find an ‘edit’ icon. So I list the commands here. The commands come from the post" a primer that I should do next", which is put at a staring position of this forum.
Are you using hostapd? I have no idea if the Atheros device supports AP mode,
but you need to create a suitable configuration file. A starting point can be
found at
Download that file, make if executable with chmod, and tailor it for your
system. The script, which MUST be run as root (with sudo) will start or stop
the AP.