How to create a .vim directory instead of .vimrc

I was trying to install vim today and could not find .vim directory where I could install them and only the .vimrc file was there

So what I did was
Try making a .vim directory copy the .vimrc file in it and and removing the old ~/.vimrc file. I exported the ~/.vim/ to $VIMHOME

but nothing happened…
What do I do so as to have my configurations

i could be wrong, but i believe vim is installed by default, and i
wonder why yours was not…so, what version of what operating system
are you running?

and, why do want to have a .vim directory when (i think)
/home/[you]/.vimrc file is the correct name and placement for the vim
configurations for [you]

wait a moment, are both talking about the command line interface vim?
what version of vim did you install?

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Yes… its installed by default I am sorry I misframed it
I have vim 7.2
Yes I am speaking about command line interface vim, but I suppose that can work on gvim to

I would like to install plugins on a per user basis so it would be good to have .vim at ~/.vim so that every user gets his own configuration instead of the common set

manugupt1 wrote:
> I would like to install plugins on a per user basis so it would be good
> to have .vim at ~/.vim so that every user gets his own configuration
> instead of the common set

maybe i don’t see the problem, because i think if each individual user
has their plugin installed to their /home (which i think is how it
should be) then every user will have their own configuration in the
file (not directory) named /home/[them]/.vimrc (as it should be)…

again, maybe i don’t quite understand the problem…sorry…but, i
still don’t see why you want to move the file each user should have
(.vimrc) in their home, inside a new directory named .vim

i’ve not looked at the code but i guess the default compiled vim
expects to look to the user’s /home/[userID]/.vimrc file for that
users configuration…AND, therefore if you try put that file here:
/home/[userID]/.vim/.vimrc it will not be found, and as you discovered
already “nothing happened”

i’ve not explored it, but maybe there is a setting to change where vim
looks for a user’s config file…have you looked at “man vim” and/or
“man info”

sorry, if i’m confused about this…

well, this is an openSUSE forum and vim is a tiny (but important) part
of openSUSE, perhaps you specific vim question could be better
answered in a vim forum post <>

i will revisit this thread hoping someone will set me straight if i’m
confused (maybe that someone will be you?)

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Yes… vim by default uses the user’s .vimrc file from the user’s home
directory, but from there you can tell vim to do things like use plugins
(learn something new every day). The vim help talks about this, as do a
few million articles found via Google. From within vim this seemed useful
(when in command mode):

:help initialization

Which returned the following data:

  1. Load the plugin scripts. load-plugins
    This does the same as the command: >
    :runtime! plugin/**/*.vim
    The result is that all directories in the ‘runtimepath’ option will be
    searched for the “plugin” sub-directory and all files ending in “.vim”
    will be sourced (in alphabetical order per directory), also in
    Loading plugins won’t be done when:
  • The ‘loadplugins’ option was reset in a vimrc file.
  • The |–noplugin| command line argument is used.
  • The “-u NONE” command line argument is used |-u|.
  • When Vim was compiled without the |+eval| feature.
    Note that using “-c ‘set noloadplugins’” doesn’t work, because the
    commands from the command line have not been executed yet. You can
    use “–cmd ‘set noloadplugins’” |–cmd|.

To find out more about runtimepath I guessed the following within vim:

:help runtimepath

which gave me the following:

‘runtimepath’ ‘rtp’ string (default:
Unix: “$HOME/.vim,

Anyway, I thought that was all pretty neat and is likely useful for the
OP’s situation.

Good luck.

On 11/13/2010 08:31 AM, DenverD wrote:
> manugupt1 wrote:
> > I would like to install plugins on a per user basis so it would be good
>> to have .vim at ~/.vim so that every user gets his own configuration
>> instead of the common set
> maybe i don’t see the problem, because i think if each individual user
> has their plugin installed to their /home (which i think is how it
> should be) then every user will have their own configuration in the
> file (not directory) named /home/[them]/.vimrc (as it should be)…
> again, maybe i don’t quite understand the problem…sorry…but, i
> still don’t see why you want to move the file each user should have
> (.vimrc) in their home, inside a new directory named .vim
> i’ve not looked at the code but i guess the default compiled vim
> expects to look to the user’s /home/[userID]/.vimrc file for that
> users configuration…AND, therefore if you try put that file here:
> /home/[userID]/.vim/.vimrc it will not be found, and as you discovered
> already “nothing happened”
> i’ve not explored it, but maybe there is a setting to change where vim
> looks for a user’s config file…have you looked at “man vim” and/or
> “man info”
> sorry, if i’m confused about this…
> well, this is an openSUSE forum and vim is a tiny (but important) part
> of openSUSE, perhaps you specific vim question could be better
> answered in a vim forum post <>
> i will revisit this thread hoping someone will set me straight if i’m
> confused (maybe that someone will be you?)
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-----END PGP SIGNATURE----- wrote:
> The vim help talks about this, as do a few million articles found
> via Google.

teaching how to fish is a good thing…good on you!

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