How to create a launcher

Hi all: I have run opensuse since before it was opensuse (suse 8.x) and version 12.1 is giving me fits, having just upgraded from 11.4 (actually a fresh install). What happened to the “Create Launcher”? I have NO IDEA how to create a custom launcher in order to start up a java app (jar file). I run the gnome desktop.

Something this simple should be simple. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks, Chris.

On 12/13/2011 02:53 PM, Chris wrote:
> I run the gnome desktop.

which, gnome 2 or gnome 3?

(afaik, the procedure is different and there is no sense in someone
answering the one you can’t use)

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

Sorry, gnome 3.

>>> DenverD<> 12/13/2011 9:46 AM >>>
On 12/13/2011 02:53 PM, Chris wrote:
> I run the gnome desktop.

which, gnome 2 or gnome 3?

(afaik, the procedure is different and there is no sense in someone
answering the one you can’t use)

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

You can create a .desktop file and place it into ~/.local/share/applications (for older versions of GNOME you may need to place it in /usr/local/share/applications or /usr/share/applications, but the home folder is the preferred location for your own custom launchers).

You can use Desktop Entry Editor if you want an easy GUI or you can edit a .desktop file in your favorite text editor following the specifications.

Once you have created your launcher you may need to log out and back in depending on which version of GNOME you are using.