How to copy a dvd or net iso to a flash drive

first install the package “syslinux” then run the command
isohybrid /your dvd.iso or net.iso

then dd if=/your iso image dd=/dev/sdyourstick bs=4M

I tries this method with a openSUSE 11.3 factory net iso and it worked

I am downloading the 11.2 dvd and will see if that works too.

Excellent, thankyou, and do let us know if the 11.2 works too.

I have to procure a newer bigger stick as the image is bigger than what I have available

altho I partially succeeded with a SUSE studio iso image I got the boot screen but failed because a configuration file wasn’t found

With the dvd.iso “CD-ROM=(hd#,#)” needs to be put on the command line. If you only have your usb thumb drive inserted then it would be “CD-ROM=(hd1,0)”. No quotation marks.

I took the test on both net.iso and dvd.iso as far as the setting pass word. but stopped there because I already have three milestone 7"s installed.
kde 4.4
kde 4.5

I think you meant of=/dev/sdyourstick. No comment on the rest.

Of course it is
So the simple way to copy a net.iso or a dvd.iso to a bootable usb thumb drive is

  1. install he package syslinux
  2. from a console run the command isohybrid /where
    your image is
  3. sudo dd if=/your iso image of=/dev/sdyourstick bs=4M
  4. for a net.iso just point your bios to boot your computer from
    the usb drive
  5. for a dvd.iso enter CD-ROM=(hd#,#) in the command line
    at boot.

Thanks a lot for this one. I’ve been doing all this maually once in a while, it’s a lot of work, forget one step and you can start again. I have a couple of 8 GB sticks, will try if I can get this working from a 16GB micro SD card as well, when 11.3 comes out. I want all media on one stick with a boot partition on it where syslinux takes care of a boot menu with choices for 32/64bit etc etc.

The dvd part doesn’tdoesn’t work I thought it did but further testing showed that I had a dvd in my cdrom drive and that is what was running not my usb stick.

This (booting the DVD image from a USB flash drive) does not, however, work in opensuse 11.3: a message pops up saying
Unable to create repository from URL ‘hd://?device=/dev/sde1’ Details: Empty destination URI: hd:///?device=/dev/sde1{/QUOTE}

Were you able to get this working? I just picked up a 16 GB USB flash drive and am going to put the install DVD on it, but would love to do both architectures and the live CD images booting from syslinux. I tried using the drive’s U3 capabilities, but it seems that at least the laptop I tried it on refused to boot from the virtual CD drive that the thing’s USB hub is supposed to be presenting.


I have thought and read:

  • drives with U3 are not good for things like that and the U3 thing (the partition) is not to delete without a tool that comes form anywhere but not from the vendor - therefor I gave back one USB flash drive.
  • the openSUSE 11.3 DVD image may have difficulties with been used by a live USB stick, see: SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE (first contribute of that user).

Good luck

On Fri, 16 Jul 2010 23:26:02 +0000, pistazienfresser wrote:

> I have thought and read:
> - drives with U3 are not good for things like that and the U3 thing (the
> partition) is not to delete without a tool that comes form anywhere but
> not from the vendor - therefor I gave back one USB flash drive.

I used u3-tool to remove that fake CD partition from the drive. Seemed
to work fine there - but there is an option in the Windows tool that is
on the device I got to remove the partition as well.

> - the
> openSUSE 11.3 DVD image may have difficulties with been used by a live
> USB stick, see: ‘SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE’
> ( (first contribute of that user).

Yeah, I ran into the issue with it not recognizing the partition table
and refusing to use it as an installation source. I put the GNOME LiveCD
on it instead, and that’s working fine.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator

There is another option too which I use often and works all the time without the need to add any extra bootup parameters - check this Cannot install 11.3 from USB flash drive.

I have used this method in the past but it doesn’t work for 11.3 dvd iso.
The live disks are fine just using dd to copy them (or, presumably rawrite if you use windows.)
The live 11.3 usb creates a persistent install using the free space on the disk after your first boot, which saves a lot of pain.

The easiest ways to do an install from the dvd is

… extract the iso to an ext3 partition on the usb and then add the new boot image to grub something like:

title openSUSE 11.3 Install
root (hdx,y) #Where (hdx,) is the disk location from fdisk -l
kernel /boot/<ARCH>/loader/linux
initrd root /boot/<ARCH>/loader/initrd

Now reboot and choose the new install menu item

If you don’t have a big enough usb stick, rather copy the dvd.iso to your /home parttion or some other fixed partition that won’t be formatted and use the net.iso which should dd to a usb stick.
Choose hdd install for both. When it asks for the install location, choose the disk and partition and enter the path to the install files. (Use / if you extracted the iso)

Save the dvd iso to say c : \suse\11.3dvd.iso (sorry for the spaces, but it insist on adding a smiley if I write c:)

Now either

Use something like isobuster to extract the contents of the /boot folder and the local opensuse11.3 executabale.
Run the file and it will create a local hdd install option in the windows boot menu. (You may have to play around to extract any of the other missing files if the exe gives an error - I dan’t have a win install to test it on.)

Once copied, use rawrite to copy the net.iso to a usb and do a hdd install.

(rawrite is in the /dosutils directory of the dvd.)

Hope this helps …

As an addendum: You need to extract the dvd.iso to either a drive or directory for the net.iso install to work.
(I imagine the same applies to using the windows local exe file)

Also to create a bootable usb from the net.iso, install syslinux and then cd to the net.iso folder and run:

isohybrid openSUSE-11.3-NET-,arch>.iso
where <arch> is the i586 or x86_64 depending on your image.

Now in the same terminal window you used to create the isohybrid, change to root and do an fdisk -l then insert the usb stick you want to use for the image and do another fdisk -l. Note the usb device id (/dev/sdx).
Unmount the usb stick and still as root copy the net.iso with:
dd if=openSUSE-11.3-NET-,arch>.iso of=/dev/sdx

When all is done you can boot from the usb and either do a net install or choose the hdd install.

On Sat, 17 Jul 2010 10:56:01 +0000, whych wrote:

> … extract the iso to an ext3 partition on the usb and then add the new
> boot image to grub something like:

Actually, I used a vfat partition - ext3 is generally not recommended (at
least I’ve read that in general, journalling filesystems are not
recommended on flash devices because of the limits on writing to the
devices, though I think that has been extended with wear leveling, so I
remember reading). Worked great here from a vfat partition.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator