How to connect to wireless using Fluxbox ?

Installed openSUSE with KDE4 on my laptop and wireless connection is perfect.
Next I installed Fluxbox.

  1. Logged into KDE4 and confirmed NetworkManager is connected to wireless.
  2. Firefox can surf net, log out.
  3. Logged into Fluxbox, system tray of fluxbox does not show NetworkManager.
  4. Firefox **cannot **surf net, there is no connection.

Question -
without installing any other application (eg wicd) is there something that I must do to enable wireless connection in fluxbox ?

Got it ,

as NetworkManager does not seem to “work” in fluxbox,
install NetworkManager-gnome and starts nm-applet.

when booting into KDE4, nm-applet will not comes up automatically (so will not cause problems)