I have Ancel 3G service with Huawei 3G modem…
With Network Manager in openSUSE 11.1, I put the pin number provided but the connection never works…
The modem green led stay flashing (looking for a net)
In others distros like fedora 10 and Madnriva 2009.1 the connection is established (according to the wizard) but the navigation is not possible and have no pinning to any domain…
The modem is working because with XP the connection works…
I thing the DNSs are the problem, but are dynamically and not works static DNSs in /etc/resolv.conf
the ANCEL (ISP) DNSs are:
Any suggestion please?
I really want to use openSUSE but, without Internet…
Note: in Ubuntu 8.10 the wizard seems to be more polished and completed because I can select my ISP (ANCEL) and looking the configurations I can see the DNSs before mentioned correctly, but the connection never works.
From Ubuntu 8.10:
<!-- Uruguay –>
<country code=“uy”>
<dns> </dns>
<dns> </dns>
You can see the 3 ISP for this country, Uruguay (ancel, movistar and cti)