I would like to know how to configure a pppoe connexion? I am testing version 11.2 on live cd but I can’t manage to connect my laptop. I used the “green plug software”, I filled all the blanks (I am not a total beginner because I have been using Mandriva for a year) but afterwards I can’t select pppoe instead of eth0 :\ What should I do?
I read on this forum NET INSTALL PPPOE - Alionet, communauté francophone d’entraide openSUSE et SUSE Linux that the only reason that I can’t configure a pppoe connexion is because I am using a live version of 11.2 as result that it only recognizes an ethernet connexion and a modem (everything I said, is said in the forum I linked, but you’ll have to read it in french )
I try to configure a pppoe connexion to Télé2, my internet connexion provider. I live in France. My modem is a Bewan ADSL ethernet 100, no need to configure it.
Thank you.