This came up surprisingly while swapping a graphics card! It look like there is an audio driver for the HDMI output that
got configured during the Leap 15.3 install, regardless of whether it was connected to a screen capable of audio output
or ever used.
After swapping a AMD Radeon RX 550 for an RX 6800 XT, PulseAudio no longer launched. Starting and killing did not have
any impact and simply showed that the PulseAudio deamon failed without more detailed reason why. Swapping back the
original graphics card made PulseAudio work again.
Even using Yast2 Sound to remove the devices that were no longer there and adding the unconfigured one had no impact
on the issue. It seems like the PulseAudio system configuration still referred to the inexistant card. I did wipe the user
config in .config/pulseaudio without success, so it has to be the system config but it would be recreated instead of wiped.
Is there a way to force audio devices rediscovered and pulse audio reconfigured in the same way that happens during the
installation of the system? While I found many guides on how to restart PulseAudio, what is needed is to reset it so that
it discovers and configures currently installed audio devices and discards any non-existant ones.
Thank you
I assume that you meant the files contained within the ~/.config/pulse/ directory. Removing that and restarting PulseAudio should have been sufficient from a user perspective.
This diagnostic process might yield some useful info…
echo autospawn = no >> ~/.config/pulse/client.conf
killall pulseaudio
LANG=C pulseaudio -vvvv --log-time=1 > ~/pulseverbose.log 2>&1
*Once done you can remove the extra line from the client.conf file (ie reinstate autospawning again).
Is there a way to force audio devices rediscovered and pulse audio reconfigured in the same way that happens during the
installation of the system? While I found many guides on how to restart PulseAudio, what is needed is to reset it so that
it discovers and configures currently installed audio devices and discards any non-existant ones.
Thank you
Examine the journal…
sudo journalctl -b |grep -i pulse
Check for any problematic ALSA sound config in /etc/modprobe.d/50-sound.conf perhaps, and remove it if in doubt. In general no explicit configuration should be required these for most typical hardware situations.
The ALSA diagnostic utility will show if there are any low level sound issues…
Thank you!
That really helped… even in 15.4 which is where I had the problem again and had to tackle it.
In the end, it was lines in default.pa the referred to the previous graphic card’s HDMI output and had to be replaced with the new one.
Of course, this was completely unintuitive to me since I had never used the HDMI audio output and forgot about it years ago probably!
Problem solved now