How to change sddm and konsole boot resolution in leap 15.6?

I have an native screen resolution of 3200x2000 with and 16’’ display and use kde with an intel i915 on leap 15.6
Pretty impossible to work so I use a resolution of 1920x1200
which I configured with “Configure Dispay setttings”
Works fine but sddm login screen and konsole startup messages are still in resolution 3200x2000
How can I change that?

I have tried for sddm to set the following
in /etc/sddm.conf and created the script /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup
which has the following

echo "`date`/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup started" >> /tmp/Xsetup.bmeier.log
sleep 2
xrandr --output eDP-1 --mode 1920x1200

This script is nevers started because log file is not created

I also added VGA option
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="resume=UUID=0a8ed6bd-0bda-4721-b783-eacfb24ebc93 splash=silent preempt=full quiet security=apparmor mitigations=auto vga=792"
in /etc/default/grub
but konsole output still at 3200x2400

What is the solution?

This was relevant only for framebuffer. Try video=1920x1200.

Konsole is KDE terminal emulator program. Are you sure you really mean it?

video=1920x1200 does not work…

Sorry I mean the bootup messages

I do not know if it will help you, but I configured the resolution of the console by YaST > System > Bootloader; the tab Kernelparameters and there is Console Resolution.
It is a drop down menu, but one can ignore it and type in the field.

@tkmbe I install the terminus bitmap fonts and modify the font eg FONT=ter-v22b in /etc/vconsole.conf and rebuid initrd with dracut -f --regenerate-all

For SDDM, visit SDDM - ArchWiki sections 2.7 & 2.8.

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