I’m using a certain application for work. This application I installed it from a Suse repo and every once in a while a newer version is available while at the
same time the older version is removed.
This means I need to backup the rpm’s of this application in case after installing a newer version some unforeseen bug pops up and causes problems.
That way I can go back to the older version in order to continue work.
What is the easiest way to get hold of the installation rpm’s? I noticed that in Yast2, there’s an option to keep rpm’s during installation.
Does anybody know where those rpms can be found after installation? Any other ideas? I can manually navigate to the repo but there are many applications
and I guess I’ll need to check all the dependencies and the dependencies of the dependencies…
When “Keep Downloaded Packages” is enabled they will be saved in the location configured in “/etc/zypp/zypp.conf”, by default it is “/var/cache/zypp/packages”.
Note though, setting that will keep all downloaded packages.
I have a local directory configured as a repo. It is on my NFS server, so I can share it with all local systems. I configured it with Yast Repositories – configured as a directory containing rpm files. The repo is configured to have name “repodir”. I normally leave that repo disabled, but I enable it when I want to use it.
If I were doing what the OP wants, I would download the particular rpm and store it in that directory. I would probably download with a browser, or with “wget” after using a browser to determine its path. The package version is already part of the file name, so I could have multiple version if so wanted. You can use the “Versions” tab in Yast software management to decide which version to install (but remember to first enable that repo).
Hmm, I also have a directory named “oldrpm” and I have moved a few of those rpms to there. It is not configured as a repo. When I’m done with a downloaded rpm, I sometimes move it there in case I ever need to get it again. At present that “oldrpm” dir just has a few old Tumbleweed kernels.
I’ll temporary enable “keep rpms”, download the packages and disable it.
After that I’ll copy the rpms to a safe place. It’s only for this critical application, just as a precaution.
Don’t forget,
You can also lock a particular package, but it will then mean that you won’t be able to modify it… It won’t be updated, upgraded or patched.