How to add: source to make it loaded automatically?


My PC is with OPENSUSE, 12.3, 32 bit, dual boot with Windows 7.

I install a software. It needs to load it before to run the software. The script file: is installed at /opt/Xi/IDS/. I am new to Linux. Please give me detail procedures.

I once tried to add that line to ~.bashrc with vi. When next boot up, it said error. Then, I commented that line out with ‘#’. The next time boot, it even stayed there. It seemed the home directory cannot go to. I know some kernel failures can be recovered. but I do not find solution on this home directory failure on the web.

Now I would like to get your detail help to avoid another reinstall system.


If you commented it out again, it should not have any influence.
So maybe you did it wong?
Please post the file ~/.bashrc!