how to add mirrors to yast repo?[SOLVED]

can some one instruct how exactly to add repo mirrors to yast?
i always get cannot make repository message by adding mirror url.
am i doing something wrong?

i have completed a zypper dup in my desktop.
i do not get kde-4.1.3
repos are still looking for 11.0 repos.
looks like still it remains 11.0

what is the result of

zypper lr

give us url example of what you are trying to add

RPM Search
i want to add rpm repos of the given example.
the downloads from this mirror is much better.
add url does not work.
any idea.?
zypper lr gives the same repos added by community repos.
none of the servers connect
i get only few bytes/s.

The url you gave is a search page. It is not a valid url.

Valid locations can be found:

Package Repositories - openSUSE

Additional YaST Package Repositories - openSUSE

openSUSE search