how to add executable to firewalld

I have an executable I want to allow to do whatever it wants because it doesn’t use a specific port. How can I add the executable to firewalld?

It is rather vague. Do you want to allow it to do “rm -rf /”? You should describe in more details what you want to allow.

If I understand correct what you mean, the answer is NO.

Firewalls act on TCP/IP traffic through network Interfaces using ports. They have no knowledge about the processes that are behind those ports.

Tell that Microsoft - Windows firewall supports permitting incoming connections to specific program. There is nothing that inherently prohibits firewall on the same local system to check which program listens on the destination port when making decision. It is just not implemented in Linux, at least in race free and nicely integrated way (and I do not know whether Windows implementation is race free either).

While I do not know very much about MS-Windows (and like to keep it like that), I understand then when you have a firewall on the same system as the process using TCP/IP and when that process is on the receiving side, you can then find out to which process an incoming package should go and then find out which program is running as that process and then take some decision on what to do with the package. But that is indeed a subset of a subset of packages. And as you also mentioned, the OP is not very clear on what he means.

Thanks for the help guys I wanted to open all ports i think. It’s just I have this program that can’t make SSL connections wierd cause my browser can but the program itself was not working and i thought it was the firewall. The program was not working properly was the linux demo version i wanted to test it out but it wouldn’t let me log in to my fantasy ground account with the program using a ssl connection. If you wanted to test it then you would have to make an account with to even try testing it so don’t worry I just stopped trying to run the program.

Still an interesting question.

Here, Per process firewall?, I see an interesting solution, run it as a different user.

This is based on iptabels but also firewalld had support for it.