Few weeks ago I don`t know how it get on my computer Trace could anyone please help me to uninstall and install PAE.
I really appreciate;)
Few weeks ago I don`t know how it get on my computer Trace could anyone please help me to uninstall and install PAE.
I really appreciate;)
Hi Michael,
The trace kernel was probably selected when you installed something else that needed it.
You can uninstall it via Yast. Open Yast Software Management then search for kernel-trace. Right click it and choose uninstall. It will also uninstall kernel-trace-base.
To then install the PAE kernel you’ll need to search for kernel-pae. Put a check next to kernel-pae and then it will also select kernel-pae-base.
Click accept and it install. When it’s done it will tell you to restart to activate the new kernel. Restart then choose the option with pae when you boot up.
Good Luck,
Thx for helping me I really appreciate your help:).
I del.Trace and try to install PAE what I get in Yast is Nevidia-gfxG02-kmp-pae is there more should I install it?:\
I really need your help please and I really appreciate for helping me.
PS I`ll be back in 1/2 hr.
Hi Mike,
Yes, if you’re going to install a new kernel you’ll need the Nvidia drivers for that kernel.
Good Luck,
I`m back just in our door,so I just have to install Nevidia-gfxG02-kmp-pae that is all?.
Correct. Even if that doesn’t work, when you install the PAE kernel you’ll have the option to boot into the default kernel when you boot up. So if it doesn’t work for some reason your computer will still be usable.
Good Luck,
Thx I think all the time positive:)
I will try out now and let you know,before I using it so it should work again;)
I install Nevidia-gfxG02-kmp-pae nothing came up there must be few more stuff to install not only Nevidia-gfxG02-kmp-pae:)
I know.
Should I install kernel-pae? that may work?
Well what I did right now I install kernel-pae-debuginfo and see it works??
I thought you already installed kernel-pae? Did you follow my instructions on installing the PAE kernel?
What do you need the PAE kernel for anyway?
Good Luck,
Oohh I just like to know what is the different openSuse default and PAE
Wait, if you didn’t know the difference, then why did you ask to install it without information first?
Googling found this openSUSE thread
difference between default and “pae” kernels - openSUSE Forums
and here
different between kernel “Trace”,“pae” and “default” - openSUSE Forums
Good Luck,
So I got now 1gb ram in for now,in few week from now I will have a new computer with 6gb ram.
Should I wait and try later or should I try now?:
Thx for links and now I understand
Opps I have not 1gb,but I have 2gblol!.
Thx ijbreakey I really appreciate for helping me.