How setup ATI RV280 card to enable desktop effects/drivers?

I installed a PCI graphics card “ATI RV280 5960” but it still says desktop effects cannot be enabled. What do i need to install/do to get that to work?

Using openSUSE 11.1

The card itself (on a sticker) says it’s a Radeon 9250.

I was able to enable desktop effects (I had to go into YAST -> Hardware and change the colors to 24bit from 16 bit. But now it’s SUPER slow! Any ideas or am I stuck?

Also, it popped up an error saying compositing was too slow and it turned off desktop effects!

What graphic drivers are you using?

Your card is not exactly the fastest graphic card on the block. If this is the behavior you get with the proprietary graphic drivers then there is not much you can do.

According to sysinfo, it’s:

Vendor:   Tungsten Graphics, Inc.
  Model:   Mesa DRI R200 20060602 x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL
  Driver:   1.3 Mesa 7.2

I don’t think thats the part of the driver I am looking for. I think Mesa provides part of the open source openGL frame work needed for X and used by the driver.

I note you have openSUSE-11.1. What is the output of typing:

cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep river

6tr6t4, please take a look at post#4 here:
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