The menu items for KSnapshot’s “send to” popup is very slow to load and has a lot of items I will ever use (e.g. facebook). How do I remove them?
KSnapshot uses kipi-plugins for that.
Unfortunately most plugins are packaged in the one “kipi-plugins” package, so it is not possible to uninstall single ones.
To remove entries you could delete the corresponding kipiplugin_xxx.desktop file(s) in /usr/share/kde4/services/, but those will return whenever there is an update to “kipi-plugins” or that package is re-installed for whatever reason.
A better way therefore would be to copy the corresponding kipiplugin_xxx.desktop file(s) to ~/.kde4/share/kde4/services/ and add the following line to each of them:
Please note, that you have to run “kbuildsycoca4” (as user, not root) for such changes to take effect.