How install Audacity (Packman)


I need to install the audacity of the Packman repository.
Plus the terminal advises that there is no repository name “Packman”.

Could someone help me?
Thanks a lot!](](](


zypper rm audacity
zypper in -r “Packman” audacity

Thanks a lot!

First, please there is no need to make and post those screen shots.

Please in the future use CODE tags around copied/pasted computer text in a post. It is the # button in the tool bar of the post editor. When applicable copy/paste complete, that is including the prompt, the command, the output and the next prompt.

And to tell that you want a package from a specific repo, you must specify that repo with the -r option:

zypper in -r Packman audacity

Please consult

man zypper

when you want to use zypper.

I did not know that.
Thanks a lot!