How does works with 15.3?

I used to get a whole bunch of add-ons in 15.2 from

It was: Select distribution (15.2) > enter the package and often it would be there.

Now with 15.3, nothing (that I search for) shows up, like rawtherapee, digikam, darktable (not the most popular packages but they are available as current in the experimental or the community section of 15.2). Even libreoffice doesn’t exist under 15.3.

  • Is there something else for 15.3?
  • Can I use the 15.2?

I have successfully compiled some from source but some others I have not due to dependencies…

Any suggestion?

Thank you

rawtherapee and darktable are both available in the graphics repository:

digikam is available in the standard oss repository:

or if you want the most recent updates, in KDE:Extra:

libreoffice is available in the standard oss repository:

All are available via the standard repositories?

zypper se rawtherapee digikam darktable

S  | Name                      | Summary                                      | Type
   | darktable                 | A virtual Lighttable and Darkroom            | package
   | darktable-doc             | Documentation for Darktable                  | package
   | darktable-tools-basecurve | The basecurve tool from tools/basecurve/     | package
   | darktable-tools-noise     | Noise profiling tools to support new cameras | package
   | digikam                   | A KDE Photo Manager                          | package
   | digikam-devel             | DigiKam development files                    | package
 l | digikam-lang              | Translations for package digikam             | package
   | digikam-plugins           | DigiKam plugins                              | package
   | libdigikamcore7           | The main digikam libraries                   | package
   | rawtherapee               | Cross-platform raw image processing program  | package

zypper if rawtherapee digikam darktable

Information for package rawtherapee:
Repository     : Main Repository
Name           : rawtherapee
Version        : 5.8-bp153.1.22
Arch           : x86_64
Vendor         : openSUSE
Installed Size : 102.4 MiB
Installed      : No
Status         : not installed
Source package : rawtherapee-5.8-bp153.1.22.src
Summary        : Cross-platform raw image processing program
Description    : 
    RawTherapee is a cross platform image processing software equipped with the essential tools for high quality and efficient RAW photo development.

    Latest stable build from "releases" branch.

Information for package digikam:
Repository     : Main Repository
Name           : digikam
Version        : 7.1.0-bp153.1.23
Arch           : x86_64
Vendor         : openSUSE
Installed Size : 114.0 MiB
Installed      : No
Status         : not installed
Source package : digikam-7.1.0-bp153.1.23.src
Summary        : A KDE Photo Manager
Description    : 
    digiKam is a simple digital photo management application for KDE, which
    allows you to import and organize your digital photos easily. The
    photos can be organized in albums, which can be sorted chronologically,
    by directory layout, or by custom collections. An easy-to-use interface
    that enables you to connect to your camera and preview, download, or
    delete your images, is provided.

Information for package darktable:
Repository     : Main Repository
Name           : darktable
Version        : 3.4.1-bp153.1.54
Arch           : x86_64
Vendor         : openSUSE
Installed Size : 21.6 MiB
Installed      : No
Status         : not installed
Source package : darktable-3.4.1-bp153.1.54.src
Summary        : A virtual Lighttable and Darkroom
Description    : 
    darktable is a virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers: it manages
    digital negatives in a database and can show them through a zoomable
    lighttable. It also enables developing raw images and enhance them.

And yes… does appear to be not finding packages that do exist.

Taking libreoffice as an example it claims “There is no official package available for openSUSE Leap 15.3”

But libreoffice is in the official 15.3 oss repository

Didn’t check any of the other examples you gave…

You can always search on OBS for packages:

but do be careful you only install packages that are compatible with Leap 15.3

I did notice that, but not being an active 15.3 user (yet) I didn’t dig further.
I notice that rawtherapee, digikam, darktable are available for “openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP3” and I bet that those versions are the ones to be used on Leap 15.3 as well (but I have no first-hand info about that).
libreoffice is puzzling, since as @tannington wrote, a version is available in the oss repo, but the current version ( is available through the update/leap/15.3/sle/sle-sp3/x86_64/ channel.
Maybe the new update repo structure in Leap 15.3 jeopardized the ability of to find appropriate packages, or, plainly, “there is no official release for Leap 15.3” just because packages are being taken from SLE or backports or…
Anyway a “zypper search” on a properly configured system should find most packages we were used to.

Excellent, but I was using the find which is why I couldn’t see these.

Is there a list of the other repos 15.3 available? or do I have to go through Sometimes I need to search for some obscure program like “par”…

Thank you

Well you can use osc which is a build service tool (and requires creating an account there…) for example;

Where par is maintained;

osc sm par


URL's for par in OBS projects

osc se --repos-baseurl par
Archiving                      par
openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3  par

Show where par is developed (always use openSUSE:Factory)

osc dp openSUSE:Factory par

Thank you for taking the time to explain

Bug filed:

Any update for this issue?

Like the reporter I encounter the same issue, that existing openSUSE_15.3 package/applications are not presented in the search results.

Looking forward to see this working as it did for previous openSUSE releases.

Summer vacations… :Z
(no smiley for leisure in this forum?..)

Wrong product to report bug against. It has nothing to do with openSUSE Installation.

Please post your opinion what to do or even make changes in bug report.
Your comment is not helping.
I couldn’t find more suitable item when created bug report.

The underlying problem is that binary search on OBS looks for specific repository and due to changed structure most 15.3 packages are not in 15.3 repository. you want to fix underlying problem you need to create OBS issue. If you want workaround for s.o.o you need to report it for s.o.o. I do not use s.o.o to spend more time than I already did on it.

Your comment is not helping.

Actually knowing that what you did was probably misdirected is certainly helping if you are interested in solving the problem - you can review what you know and in general get better understanding of the problem.