How does KDE4 manage xkb files ?

I recently changed from 11.1 /KDE3 to 11.3/KDE4.
In the past i usually applied some minor chnages to keyboard layout in


Since 11.1 it was necessary to adapt also


which points to


Now on 11.3 with KDE4 i seems that all my changes are ignored by the system.
The kde4 Control Module - Keyboard Layout does not show my modifications
(additional variant), but doing a

setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us -variant imyusvariant

from root konsole works nice and my changes are applied to the keyboard behavior.

How can i force KDE4 to display my new variant in the keyboard control module ?


Probably by placing it where KDE4 will find it - visiting Index page • KDE Community Forums may give you the answer you want.