How do you set up openldap now?

How do you set up an openldap server now. The yast module seems to have gone
Is there a ‘hard way’ documented somewhere



The module should still be available, just not installed on your system for some reason.

Current LEAP documentation for setting up LDAP

Yes, the underlying way of LDAP changed substantially in LEAP 15 compared to earlier versions of openSUSE


That seems to set up ds-389 ldap server. Using openldap2 there doesn’t seem to be a yast module any more.
However as you said, it has changed quite a bit and is more ‘Debian like’ :wink: so piddling around in the conf files
seems to work.




  • The current Tumbleweed yast2-auth-server package is at version 4.1.0 – which is newer than the Leap 15.0 package …
  • The Leap Handbook mentions “yast2-auth-server, openldap2, krb5-server, and krb5-client” – the 389-DS isn’t mentioned …
  • The package “389-ds” is available for Tumbleweed – current version – no YaST …

May be I’m doing something wrong as that Yast module doesn’t set up openldap for me
It goes through the motions, says it’s setting up a instance of ldap, downloads 389-ds and
it’s tools and libraries but beyond that I can’t see what it does.

Anyway fiddling with various thing made openldap work fine :slight_smile:

