How do you restart the grapics server via cli?...


I’m using openSuse 12.x as my web server. I’ve been experiencing my graphics freezing with other Linux flavours, but the server continues to run. No heavy traffic, I thought openSuse solved my problem, but now I’m beginning to realise there must be something wrong with my graphics card, its just a nVidia LT 7300, go to try my nVidia 6200 and see if this would solve this.

I’m logged in from my Zorin using Dolphin and I have a remote terminal running, so before I swap my card how do you restart the graphics server via cli?


I’ve seen more trouble with the 72/7300 series, some even stated they had to use the gfx01 driver version, no desktop with the gfx02 driver, though that should be the one.
But…I don’t see why you’re running a graphic desktop on a webserver.
And … your server runs 12.1, this means it uses systemd, which means that you cannot change runlevels like before. To restart the graphics system, the best thing is to reboot the server. Which is needed anyway if you want to swap the card.

On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 01:16:03 +0530, Knurpht
<> wrote:

> And … your server runs 12.1, this means it uses systemd, which means
> that you cannot change runlevels like before. To restart the graphics
> system, the best thing is to reboot the server.

ctl+del+backspace still works.

> Which is needed anyway if you want to swap the card.

was wondering about that, too. never heard of hot-swappable nvidia cards…


On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 01:23:05 +0530, phanisvara das
<> wrote:

> ctl+del+backspace still works.

sorry, alt + ctrl + backspace i meant, of course.


and then swap cards on a running system :D.

Thanks for the information about these cards, I really don’t want to use a graphics desktop, but didn’t want to put in the hours configuring via cli, is there a server version with a minimal graphics or maybe a text version of YaST to be able to configure the web server, nic, firewall, etc?

Oh yea, I was going to do a shut down first, my question didn’t come out right… :slight_smile:

Yes, my friend, that’'s what I was about to say. Yast, and I mean Yast entirely, runs in an ncurses version as well, not needing X, and bleeding fast in a terminal/console. Just login through SSH, do

su -c yast

and you’ll see. If you installed the openSUSE LAMP webserver pattern, you should already have Yast - Networkservices - HTTP server… I manage a couple of VPS’s running Centos, and man…I miss Yast. Cpanel, WMHost, Directadmin, they’re absolutely no replacement for Yast.

Great! What run level do I run and how do change the boot settings to run at this level during start-up? I’m look at the RunLevel Config and I’m guesting it would be Level 3 without the Display Manager correct?

Oh yea! This is awesome! Running Level 3 now… Great!