How do you get to KDE 3/KDE4 session button?

I’ve been happily running KDE 3 on my Opensuse 11 64 bit system. I wanted to
see for myself how ready the KDE 4 stuff is. I’ve installled KDE4 as well
and want to be able to select the KDE 4 desktop, but can’t figure out how
to access it. How do you actually select a session? The button on the top
of the screen shows up, but how do you actually select anything? (Robert Smits, Ladysmith BC)

“I’m not one of those who think Bill Gates is the devil. I simply suspect
that if Microsoft ever met up with the devil, it wouldn’t need an
interpreter.” - Nicholas Petreley

The button on the top
of the screen shows up, but how do you actually select anything?


Have you disabled auto login via Yast - Security and Users?? So you get the green login screen to enter your username and password?

Selection of kde4 session is on the lower left of the login screen

Thanks. After I changed that it worked OK. It does seem a design flaw that you can’t change session unless you have to login, though. One thing has nothing to do with the other.:wink:

Au contraire. Because Linux is a true multi-user OS, with the logon you initialize a new desktop environment for that user/session. Being kept entirely distinct is what enables the multi-user security model. You can in fact have simultaneous multiple sessions open for different users or for the same user (up to the number of getty’s configured, by default 6 in openSUSE - Windows user-switching is somewhat analogous, but it is not true multi-user.)