I’ve been happily running KDE 3 on my Opensuse 11 64 bit system. I wanted to
see for myself how ready the KDE 4 stuff is. I’ve installled KDE4 as well
and want to be able to select the KDE 4 desktop, but can’t figure out how
to access it. How do you actually select a session? The button on the top
of the screen shows up, but how do you actually select anything?
“I’m not one of those who think Bill Gates is the devil. I simply suspect
that if Microsoft ever met up with the devil, it wouldn’t need an
interpreter.” - Nicholas Petreley
Thanks. After I changed that it worked OK. It does seem a design flaw that you can’t change session unless you have to login, though. One thing has nothing to do with the other.
Au contraire. Because Linux is a true multi-user OS, with the logon you initialize a new desktop environment for that user/session. Being kept entirely distinct is what enables the multi-user security model. You can in fact have simultaneous multiple sessions open for different users or for the same user (up to the number of getty’s configured, by default 6 in openSUSE - Windows user-switching is somewhat analogous, but it is not true multi-user.)