How would I go about dual booting openSUSE which is my main os with android? and how would I partition my drive with gparted?
Have you considered running Android as a virtual machine inside Suse using VirutalBox?
How to Install Android in VirtualBox
That route is going to be by far the easier method.
If you prefer not to use VirtualBox, and really want to dual boot there are several guides available on-line. Essentially, you would use gpartd to create a partition for Android, install Android to it, and then modify Suse’s grub2 to boot it.
first try out a “live” cd from Download - Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86 before installing it on your machine
This is a more recent link for downloads, they’re back on google code again.
Main website is here:
I would but virtualbox says that it is missing kernel driver I installed a new version of virtualbox I did it from the .ymp file
If you run into a roadblock with Virtualbox,
I highly recommend you consider running QEMU instead… specifically qemu-system if you want to run an ARM image.
If you’re running an x86 version of Android, I doubt you should be running into kernel issues… Although I don’t know that Android is keeping as current with kernel versions as Desktop/Server Linux.