How do small icons in Application Launcher/Menu?

I’m using KDE 4 and the app lanucher (also called Menu) has very large icons, taking up a lot of space. Is there a way to shrink them?

can post a snapshot?

Oddly, no. “Print Screen” doesn’t work when the app launcher is open. Does it work on your install?

Can’t get the keyboard short cut to work ‘PrtSc’
But from the menu ‘ksnapshot’ works fine or use Xvidcap from Packman

Notice how big they are compared to the taskbar icons:

Looks normal to me
You can switch to the traditional menu if you don’t like that one.
Add widget…it’s in the list

Oh, I know it’s normal, I wanted a way to shrink them down from that. I don’t want the traditional menu as I much prefer this interface, I just want it with smaller icons/text. Is there a setting somewhere to do that?

I’m not aware of this being a feature/option. It’s a nice idea though. You would be looking at a bit of theme development to do it your self.
you can use wish list to request a feature.