How do I set the display resolution for installation

I have a 4K monitor that the Leap installers don’t seem to like. That’s been okay in the past because the initial installer screen has had various menus that can be triggered by F keys to set up parameters for the install, including display resolution. In the Leap 15.4 installer those menus are missing. What can do to get the same effect?

They are still present if you boot installer in legacy BIOS mode.

All those Legacy/BIOS/MBR boot mode options, and more, are available via installer command line. Linuxrc has the catalog. You can set resolution and DPI for the first display with the XVideo= option.

Thanks, that’ll be a great help. I got around it this time by hitting the E key for edit, and adding


to the kernel line and an extra line

set GRUB_GFXMODE=1920x1080x16

(the second may have not have been necessary or had any effect, for all I know).

Next time, though, I’ll use one of those two methods, probably the command line.