I would like to know how to reset the KDE plasmoids to default.
If anyone could tell me how to do that I would appreciate it.
I would like to know how to reset the KDE plasmoids to default.
If anyone could tell me how to do that I would appreciate it.
The following should do it.
kquitapp plasma && rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma* && plasma &
or a more complete reset (whole kde4 desktop settings)
rename the hidden .kde4 directory with
mv /home/username*/.kde4 .kde4old
Replace your username*
Do this from CLI
What is command for 13.2?
The application has been renamed to plasma-desktop years ago (as there’s also plasma-netbook and plasma-windowed e.g.), the rest should still be the same.
kquitapp plasma-desktop && rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma* && plasma-desktop &
Or just remove the config when not logged into KDE (in IceWM e.g.). No need to quit and restart Plasma then…
Thank you =)