How do I remove SUSE 11.1 from drive and restore boot.

I am new to SUSE operating systems and new to Linnux in the last year. I do not understand code. I have used Ubuntu 8.04 and uprgaded to the new 9.10 both using the gneom desktop. I wanted to work with KDE and SUSE so I bought the Linux Format magazine with the DVD 126 which had SUSE 11.1 with the KDE desk top. I have a Toshiba L455 laptop and had windows 7 on 110 gb and had ubuntu 8.04 on 50 gb and ubuntu 9.10 ob 48 gb. I had ran the installer and it identified both linux systems and I selected to install SUSE in the space allocated to 8.04. It only boots to suse with the option to select windows. It showes 9.10 mixed with suse. I have not used suse. Is there an uninstall that will allow me to start over with the installation after creating a partition first. How can I get 9.10 to boot or how can I recover data from it. Thank you.

Please open terminal and become su

We need the following:

fdisk -l
cat /etc/fstab
cat /boot/grub/menu.lst